Farro is an unhybridized ancestor of modern wheat. It has a hearty, nutty flavor and has been grown throughout Europe for centuries. Today, with renewed interest in traditional and organic foods, farro is featured on the menus of many of the best restaurants in Italy and is rapidly gaining popularity in the United States. Farro is a cereal grain. Unlike wheat, the farro husk adheres to the grain, just as in barley and oats. Its fiber content is therefore high and so are its nutrients. Vitamin E, an antioxidant important to health and disease resistance, is prevalent in farro. Protein content is high also and when combined with legumes, it forms a complete protein source.

    SKU: 34F11403 Category:

    Corn is the only grain whose origin can be traced to the Americas. When Christopher Columbus landed in modern day Cuba some of his crew went inland and came across maize. Corn was then brought back to Europe. In Italy Corn is most often served as Polenta. This dish comes from the Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy. Polenta can carry many different flavors and is a filling, nutritious dish. Fine Polenta has a slightly less coarse grind than traditional Polenta and has a shorter cooking time.

    SKU: 34FPOL Category:

    Corn is the only grain whose origin can be traced to the Americas. When Christopher Columbus landed in modern day Cuba some of his crew went inland and came across maize. Corn was then brought back to Europe. In Italy Corn is most often served as Polenta. This dish comes from the Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy. Polenta can carry many different flavors and is a filling, nutritious dish. Fine Polenta has a slightly less coarse grind than traditional Polenta and has a shorter cooking time. Basic Preparations: Bring 4 cups water or stock to boil, VERY slowly whisk in 1 cup polenta. Simmer and stir frequently for 5-10 minutes, until very thick. Season to taste and serve, or place in greased bread pan, chill 2 hours, slice and prepare as desired.

    SKU: 34BPOLW Category:

    Flax seed has the natural properties of fiber, lignans and omega-3 fatty acids that provide preventative and restorative abilities to your diet.

    SKU: 34FFLX Category:

    French Green Lentils (Lens esculenta) are a hard-to-find Lentil that are a beautiful deep fall green. These lentils contain a seed coat and are 1/2 cm. wide with a mild, earthly flavor. The French Green Lentils texture is a bit firmer than most other lentils and hold their shape well when cooked. This tiny lens shaped pulse has traditionally been used as a meat substitute (a pulse is the dried seed of any legume, such as beans and peas). Lentils are the seed of a small shrub and are dried after harvesting. Lentils have been eaten for over 8000 years and originated in Southwestern Asia along the Indus River. The are a staple food for many South Asian cultures.

    SKU: 34BGL Category:

    Sorghum is an ancient grain that spread from Africa to India, Asia, Australia, and the Americas thanks to trade routes. While it has been used here for years to make food for livestock, ethanol and syrup, sorghum has been gaining in popularity thanks in part to its gluten-free status.
    Sorghum grains, unlike wheat, have an edible hull. This helps it retain nutrients, making it a great option for any diet. The grains vary in color, with red, brown, golden, yellow, white and even purple all being common shades.

    SKU: 34SORG Category:

    This handcrafted granola can be eaten alone as a snack, as a wholesome breakfast meal, or used in any recipe that asks for granola.

    SKU: 34SVGRAN Category: Tags: ,

    Our wheat varieties are selected and bred to produce good crops under the unpredictable and sometimes harsh conditions of the Bread Basket. These same wheats must also mill into good flour and bake into good bread of diverse sorts, from sandwich loaves to ciabatta, from 100% whole wheat to creamy-white baguettes. There are wheat varieties that do well in the field, but not so well in the bakery, and vice versa. We look for wheat that performs well in both field and oven.

    We grow and buy certified organic wheat because we believe that organic farming will help to preserve the quality of our soils and water and to maintain the health of our rural communities. We produce and sell certified organic flour because we believe that our ultimate customer, the bread eater, expects and deserves the safest and most healthful food possible, as well as an opportunity to choose an agriculture that fosters human and natural communities.

    SKU: 34GWB Categories: ,

    Bakers find Heartland oat products a healthful addition to many bakery items, from cookies and muffins to multi-grain breads. We produce rolled oats in three thicknesses: old-fashioned, regular, and quick. Our whole oat groats are hulled oat kernels that have been heat stabilized, and our steel-cut oats are these same groats cut into smaller pieces.

    SKU: 34RRO Category:

    Barley was one of the first crops cultivated by man, and has been used as a food since Biblical times. Today, barley is still considered an excellent source of soluble fiber. With a higher beta-glucan content than oats, barley can be effective in lowering serum cholesterol levels. Barley also contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates and B vitamins. It’s low in fat and has no cholesterol. Although pearled barley is commonly used in soups, barley can be milled into various fractions, producing different cuts, pearls, flours, grits and flakes.

    SKU: 34GBAR Category:

    Hulled Millet is an excellent nutritional food source for emergency preparedness. Millet has a mildly sweet, nut-like flavor that contains loads of beneficial nutrients, including protein, fiber and B-complex vitamins. It is also particularly high in iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous and is not an acid forming food, so it is soothing and easy to digest. In fact, it is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available.

    SKU: 34FMIL Category:

    Job’s Tears, also known as Asian barley, belongs to the grass family and is closely related to corn with a naturally sweet and creamy flavor. This unique ancient grain is packed with protein, amino acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Naturally gluten free.

    SKU: 34GJT10 Category:

    The Moretti family has been growing corn and making choice polenta since 1922. Carefully selected varieties of corn are air-dried in open barns until hardened. The kernels are carefully stone ground and packed in air-tight seal bricks to retain their natural freshness and superior flavor.

    SKU: 3404212 Category:

    Imported Italian Polenta. In the Lombardia region, the Moretti family has been attentively growing corn and making choice polenta since 1922. Carefully selected varieties of corn are air-dried in open barns until hardened. The kernels are carefully stone ground and vacuum-packed to retain the cornmeal’s natural freshness and flavor.

    SKU: 3404267 Category:

    Polenta Taragna is an Italian gourmet food product of Valtellina in Lombardy, its name derives from Tarela that is the name of the long stick traditionally used to stir the polenta in a pot of copper. Moretti Polenta Taragna is a mixture of maize yellow flour and buckwheat flour that gives it the typical dark color; it takes about 40 minutes to cook in order to obtain a polenta with firm consistency but if you want obtain a consistency more soft you can cook it for less time or you can add some more water.

    SKU: 34PTAR Category: