Israeli couscous is also a type of pasta, but consists of granules that are much larger – about the size of small pearls. Made from wheat flour and semolina, Israeli couscous has a ball-like shape and is toasted, rather than dried, after the granules are formed. This process gives Israeli couscous a nuttier flavor and chewy bite that adds an unexpected touch to regional recipes.

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    Polenta is a popular food dish that has long been common in Italian and other European cuisine, but has recently gained attention in the United States as well. It is made from ground cornmeal, which is then boiled in water to create a porridge-like substance.

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    Farro is an unhybridized ancestor of modern wheat. It has a hearty, nutty flavor and has been grown throughout Europe for centuries. Today, with renewed interest in traditional and organic foods, farro is featured on the menus of many of the best restaurants in Italy and is rapidly gaining popularity in the United States. Farro is a cereal grain. Unlike wheat, the farro husk adheres to the grain, just as in barley and oats. Its fiber content is therefore high and so are its nutrients. Vitamin E, an antioxidant important to health and disease resistance, is prevalent in farro. Protein content is high also and when combined with legumes, it forms a complete protein source.

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    First cultivated in the ancient fields of Babylon, the rustic grain farro is now a central cereal grain for chefs. Del Destino Italian Semi-Pearled Farro is certified USDA organic and has a forgiving, fibrous texture that boasts a complex, nutty taste offering hints of oat and barley. Farro is the ideal alternative to rice in applications like risotto and soups.

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    Bulgur is made by soaking cooked whole wheat kernels (berries) which are then dried and part of the bran is removed. The remaining pieces are cracked into small pieces. Bulgar can be cooked and served as a grain or used in breads, soups, and even desserts.

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    Hulled Millet is an excellent nutritional food source for emergency preparedness. Millet has a mildly sweet, nut-like flavor that contains loads of beneficial nutrients, including protein, fiber and B-complex vitamins. It is also particularly high in iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous and is not an acid forming food, so it is soothing and easy to digest. In fact, it is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available.

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    Corn is the only grain whose origin can be traced to the Americas. When Christopher Columbus landed in modern day Cuba some of his crew went inland and came across maize. Corn was then brought back to Europe. In Italy Corn is most often served as Polenta. This dish comes from the Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy. Polenta can carry many different flavors and is a filling, nutritious dish. Fine Polenta has a slightly less coarse grind than traditional Polenta and has a shorter cooking time.

    SKU: 34FPOL Category:

    Barley was one of the first crops cultivated by man, and has been used as a food since Biblical times. Today, barley is still considered an excellent source of soluble fiber. With a higher beta-glucan content than oats, barley can be effective in lowering serum cholesterol levels. Barley also contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates and B vitamins. It’s low in fat and has no cholesterol. Although pearled barley is commonly used in soups, barley can be milled into various fractions, producing different cuts, pearls, flours, grits and flakes.

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    Black Barley is also known as Purple Hull-less Barley. Originally from Ethiopia, this variety has not been raised until recently because of the low yield. This is actually the only grain that can go from field to table without being processed, because the gloom or bran layer stays attached to the kernel, and is edible.
    Suggested Use:

    The shape of this hearty grain resembles a coffee bean and cooks to a glossy purplish-mahagony color. It is wonderful in soups and stuffings or alone as a beautiful alternative to rice (Because of a somewhat chewy texture, it is best mixed with other grains.)
    Basic Prep:

    Rinse well, add 1 cup of barley to 3 cups of boiling water. Simmer covered 35-40 minutes until liquid is absorbed. For a fluffier grain, soak Barley in water for 5 hours then simmer covered for 15 minutes. One cup dry yields 3-1/2 to 4 cups cooked.

    SKU: 34GBBAR Category:

    Einkorn, literally meaning “single grain” in German, was first cultivated five to ten thousand years ago. Einkorn is an ancient grain that is not yet commonly known in the western world, but used often in the Mediterranean region and in the mountainous areas of Europe. This grain is slightly finicky, completely delicious, good for you, has a slight yellowish tinge, and smells (and even looks) a little like corn flour. Unlike modern wheat which has a long history of hybridization, einkorn is a “diploid”, containing only two chromosomes unlike the modern cousin, which contains six, making it a “hexaploid”. Einkorn is packed with nutrition. It is a rich source of the beta carotene lutein, a powerful antioxidant. Einkorn has the highest amounts of lutein of any other variety of wheat. Einkorn is also a rich source of tocotrienols and tocopherols, powerful antioxidants and forms of Vitamin E. Compared to modern wheat varieties, einkorn has higher levels of protein, crude fat, phosphorous, and potassium.

    SKU: 34GEIN10 Category:

    Kasha, or buckwheat groats, is native to central Asia and was introduced to Europe by the end of the Middle Ages. Perhaps due to its long history and travel across continents, the term kasha has come to refer to a variety of cereal-type products. In America, the term refers to roasted buckwheat groats, which have a toasty, nutty flavour. In Russia, kasha is used in a broader sense for a variety of cooked grains, including buckwheat, millet and oats. Buckwheat kasha is not a true cereal, since it is not a grass. Its kernels are actually achenes, which are dry fruits similar to the seeds of strawberries. While buckwheat may be known to many, particularly as a flour in pancakes and other specialty items, this month we will focus on kasha, a nutritious and tasty alternative to better-known grains.

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    Quinoa is a quick-cooking, grain-like seed with a mild, nutty flavor, fluffy consistency and a pleasant bite. Our Black Quinoa is a visually attractive, naturally dark colored quinoa with the same great flavor and complete nutritional value as white quinoa. It has a delecate, nutty flavor and is naturally gluten free. Black quinoa has a bold black color with occasional white, tan, and brown grains.

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    Red Quinoa makes a visually stunning addition to a variety of dishes and cooks to a firmer texture than white quinoa. Our Red Quinoa has its natural, mildly nutty, bitter-tasting saponin coating removed and is ready to cook without rinsing.

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    We source Organic Quinoa from the South American highlands where it was first cultivated and remove its bitter-tasting saponin coating for a product that is ready to cook without rinsing. Nutritious and versatile, Organic Quinoa has a fluffy texture and mild, nutty flavor. Naturally gluten free.

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    Spelt is an ancient variety of wheat with its roots in the Fertile Crescent some 9000 years ago. It is more widely used in Europe where it’s known as dinkel in Germany and farro in Italy. While higher in protein than commonly used wheat varieties, the nature of its proteins results in less gluten formation when making bread dough. Many people with wheat allergies or sensitivities can enjoy bread made with spelt flour. Available in 25 LB master cases of 5 LB partial bags.

    SKU: 34GSPL Category: